Sharon Pollock látogatása
I was sitting nervously in the department’s library before the encounter with most important person of my life so far; I upped my head on every entrance while struggling hard to remember the interview questions and to recollect myself so I would not seem like an overtly zealous fan of hers (even though that is what I am) who attacks with completely lay questions.
Közép-Európa és az angol-szász világ
Konferencia a Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem Angol Nyelv- és Irodalomtudományi Tanszékének szervezésében. Időpont: 2007.04.13–14. (péntek-szombat).
A kanadai nagykövet látogatása
On 14 March 2007, our University had the honor of welcoming Her Excellency, Marta Moszczenska, the Canadian Ambassador to Romania. Her Excellency visited the Department of English as part of her journey in Oradea, a journey which had the objective of strengthening the economic relations between our countries.