The Many Possibilities of the College of Advanced Studies - Arnold Balla

The College of Advanced Studies of Partium Christian University served as a major stepping stone in gaining experience and learning in many ways.

To begin with, I wanted to try out the Erasmus program, and I was advised to participate in Students’ Conference (TDK) and be part of the College of Advanced Studies team. This required a well-written essay on a certain topic regarding my studies. Thus, being part of it, I produced an essay that turned out to be the perfect milestone for my final thesis paper.

Furthermore, I truly believe that writing the essay secured my position in the Erasmus program, and I could embark on a journey that I would never forget. Both the Erasmus program and the College of Advanced Studies offer possibilities that are undeniably useful and worth the effort.

And let’s not forget about the educational aspect of the many seminars and lectures held by various key figures that focus on topics regarding English language and literature. I witnessed many interesting lectures and learned a few things which broadened my perspective.

I did not regret my decision to be a member of the College of Advanced Studies of Partium University and I highly urge you to do the same.

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